“Death of the old way”: Why technology will ultimately transform the next generation of hiring

Artificial intelligence
Role description

In the consulting industry, a significant shift is underway. Traditionally, hiring consultants has involved navigating a complex web of subcontractors and intermediary recruiters. These recruiters offer value by supporting clients with project descriptions and job profiles, calling consultants, and triangulating their interest and availability. For these services, recruiters typically take a 20% markup on every bill the consultant sends.

However, with the rise of AI and advanced automation, the traditional role of the recruiter is being called into question. At Fill, we believe AI will fundamentally transform the hiring landscape, reducing reliance on subcontractors and making the consultant hiring process more efficient, scalable, and transparent.

A new approach to hiring consultants

The traditional consulting recruitment model is built around human intermediaries—recruiters who bridge the gap between companies in need of expertise and consultants offering specialized skills. This model, while effective, is often costly and inefficient. Recruiters take a significant markup to cover the costs of their services, which include drafting project descriptions, developing job profiles, and managing communications with consultants.

AI offers a revolutionary alternative. Imagine an AI-driven platform that can automatically generate project descriptions and job profiles tailored to the specific needs of a client, drawing on vast databases of industry knowledge and best practices. This platform could also match these descriptions with the profiles of available consultants, taking into account not just skills and experience but also real-time availability and expressed interest. Unlike human recruiters, AI can handle these tasks for thousands of consultants simultaneously, providing scalability that human-driven processes simply cannot match.

Rethinking the recruiter’s role

Currently, one of the key roles of recruiters is to make phone calls, conduct interviews, and triangulate the interest and availability of consultants for specific projects. This process is time-consuming and often limited by the recruiter’s personal network and resources.

With AI, these tasks could be automated and scaled. An AI system can reach out to consultants, gauge their interest, and check their availability instantly. It can analyze larger datasets than any human could manage, including past engagements, availability calendars, and even behavioral data, to predict a consultant's fit for a given project. The AI can also provide real-time updates on consultant interest and availability, ensuring that companies have the most accurate and up-to-date information to make hiring decisions. This level of data-driven decision-making surpasses what traditional recruiters can offer.

Early days of the AI-powered consultant marketplace

We are in the early stages of this transformation, but the potential is clear. AI-powered platforms are emerging that do more than just enhance traditional recruitment tools; they are redefining how consultants are hired. These platforms integrate end-to-end processes, from project description and consultant sourcing to contract management and performance tracking. AI doesn’t just replace the recruiter; it enhances capabilities, offering faster, more accurate, and more efficient recruitment processes.

For instance, AI systems can seamlessly handle automated project descriptions and job profile creation, match consultants based on skill and availability, and manage interview scheduling and onboarding processes. Unlike human recruiters who can manage only a few placements at a time, AI can efficiently handle thousands, ensuring that every project gets the best possible match without the need for expensive and time-consuming intermediaries.

AI x consultant hiring: Market map

To understand the full impact of AI on the consultant hiring market, it’s helpful to look at its applications:

1. Automated Project Descriptions and Job Profiles: AI can generate detailed, tailored project descriptions and job profiles based on client needs, reducing the time and effort required by recruiters.

2. Interest and Availability Matching: AI systems can reach out to consultants, assess their interest, and check availability, ensuring that clients are always matched with consultants ready to start.

3. Interview, Onboarding, and Transaction Management: AI can streamline the entire hiring process by setting up relevant interactions between hiring managers and consultants. This includes scheduling and facilitating interviews, managing onboarding processes, and handling transactions. AI can automate the logistics of setting up meetings, providing necessary documentation, and tracking progress, ensuring a seamless transition from hiring to active project engagement. This integration ensures that both consultants and hiring managers have a smooth and efficient experience, reducing the administrative burden and enhancing the overall productivity of the recruitment process.

4. Performance Tracking and Feedback: AI can monitor the performance of consultants in real-time, providing feedback and ensuring continuous improvement. This feature helps both consultants and clients optimize their work processes and outcomes.

5. Contract and Payment Management: Automated systems can handle contracts, billing, and payments, ensuring transparency and efficiency while reducing the administrative burden on both clients and consultants.

Replacing human effort with AI: Customer support example (400 agents, 200 working days)

The shift towards AI-native solutions signifies a major transformation in operational efficiency. In customer support, traditionally handled by human agents with software like Zendesk, AI can drastically reduce costs by replacing much of the manual effort. Here's a breakdown of the costs involved:

Zendesk Example: Cost Breakdown (400 Agents, 200 Days)


  1. Human Support Model:
    • Each agent earns an annual salary of €75,000 and works 1,600 hours per year (8 hours/day x 200 days).
    • Each agent answers around 2,000 tickets per year, totaling 800,000 tickets annually for 400 agents.
    • The cost per ticket when handled by human support is €37.50.
    • Zendesk software costs €552,000 annually for 400 agents.
    • The total cost per ticket, including human salary and software, remains €38.19, highlighting the human cost's significant impact.
  2. AI/Software Support Model:
    • AI handles the same number of tickets using Zendesk software, significantly lowering the cost per ticket.
    • With 800,000 tickets handled annually, the cost per ticket drops to €0.69 using software alone.
    • The total annual cost for AI-driven support is only the cost of the software: €552,000.
Key Takeaways:
  • Total Annual Cost Comparison:
  • Human Support: €30,552,000 per year (including agent salaries and software cost).
  • AI/Software Support: €552,000 per year (only software cost).
  • Annual Savings: €30,000,000 by shifting from human support to AI-driven support, highlighting the drastic reduction in cost per ticket from €38.19 to €0.69.
Conclusion: Cost efficiency with AI-driven support

This adjusted example using 400 agents and a consistent 200-day work year demonstrates the significant cost savings achievable by replacing human effort with AI in customer support. By reducing the cost per ticket from €38.19 to €0.69, AI-driven solutions offer substantial financial advantages and operational scalability. This transition is a clear win for companies looking to optimize their customer support operations and reduce overall expenses.

Replacing human effort with AI: Consultant hiring example

In the world of consultant hiring, traditional recruitment processes often rely heavily on external human recruiters (i.e. recruitment firms) who manually handle tasks such as sourcing, interviewing, and managing consultants. This model not only adds significant costs due to recruiter hours and markups but also limits scalability. AI has the potential to streamline these processes, reducing costs and enhancing efficiency, much like how AI is transforming customer support.

Traditional consulting recruitment vs. AI-Driven Recruitment Costs
  1. Traditional recruitment model:
    • Each consultant is billed at an hourly rate of €120, which includes a €20 markup added by recruiters.
    • Each consultant works 1,600 hours annually (8 hours/day x 200 days).
    • The total cost per consultant is €192,000.
    • The recruiter spends 30 hours per consultant to source and interview, costing €3,000 per assignment.
    • The total markup added per consultant is €32,000. After deducting the recruiter’s operating cost (€3,000), the net profit from the markup is €29,000 per consultant.
    • For 400 consultants, the total net profit from the markup is €11,600,000 annually.
  2. AI-Driven recruitment model
    • The base hourly rate is reduced to €100, eliminating the recruiter’s €20 markup.
    • Each consultant works 1,600 hours annually.
    • The total cost per consultant is €160,000.
    • The AI system costs €100,000 per month, totaling €1,200,000 annually.
    • For 400 consultants, the total cost is €65,200,000 per year.
Key Takeaways:
  • Total Annual Cost Comparison:
    • Traditional Recruitment: €76,800,000 per year, with €11,600,000 net profit from recruiter markups.
    • AI-Driven Recruitment: €65,200,000 per year, reducing costs by eliminating the recruiter markup while investing in AI technology.
  • Annual Savings: €11,600,000 by switching to an AI-driven model, achieved through reducing recruiter markup and associated manual efforts, even with a significant investment in AI technology.
Cost efficiency and profit transparency with AI-Driven consulting recruitment

This table demonstrates how traditional recruitment models incur significant costs not only from the markup but also from the profits generated after deducting recruiter operating costs. By investing in a substantial AI system, companies can eliminate these costs, saving €11,600,000 annually. This transition highlights the efficiency, scalability, and financial benefits of using AI for consultant hiring, making it a superior alternative to traditional recruitment methods while ensuring significant operational savings.

Market impact

As AI continues to redefine the consultant hiring process, the traditional model of using recruiters to manage these tasks is becoming less relevant. Companies no longer need to pay hefty markups for basic matchmaking services, as AI can handle these tasks more efficiently and at a lower cost. By incorporating AI into the interview, onboarding, and transaction management stages, companies can create a more integrated and seamless experience for both consultants and hiring managers. This not only reduces time-to-hire but also improves match quality, leading to higher satisfaction rates and better project outcomes.


The future of consultant hiring is already happening, and it will be driven by extensive use of AI and automation technology. By automating the traditional roles of recruiters—generating project descriptions, managing interviews, facilitating onboarding, and overseeing transactions—AI is making the hiring process faster, more efficient, and more cost-effective. The traditional role of the recruiter is evolving, and companies that embrace AI-driven hiring solutions will be well-positioned to lead in this new landscape.

If you’re interested in exploring how AI can revolutionize your consultant hiring process,  Contact us to learn more.

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