
Find better talent faster

Whatever your workforce need is, our solution helps you find it faster than anyone else. Build your own network of selected vendors or find the best possible talent through our network of 1000+ talent pools. Our user-friendly request forms and AI-driven candidate matching make sure you attract the right talent.

Target relevant workforce partners when you need help

Our advanced AI algorithms connect companies with the ideal partner - headhunters, consultants, and candidates, tailored to your unique needs. Stay in the driver's seat the whole time!

Build an internal eco-system of external competence

Source, procure, and collaborate seamlessly with expert vendors, consultants and partners buy building an extensive network of talent, connected to your organizational need.

Experience the power of marketplace dynamics with your external talent

Simplify and centralize your talent sourcing, procurement, and consultancy management with a one-stop solution for efficiency and ease.


Save hours and find better talent at the click of a button. Build your own network or find talent through Fill.


Onboard vendors in minutes, gather all necessary information, and centralize invoices seamlessly through our top-notch vendor portal.

Pay & analyze

Unlock powerful insights into your spending performance through our out of the box analytics module. Spend less time on payments.


Collaborate between internal stakeholders and extended partners through one interface.

Creating the ideal flow of talent

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